
(The picture above was taken at Crescent Bay Point Park in Laguna Beach. It was one of many sunrises I got to see during my original 30 day challenge)

This blog came about in a challenge to myself to wake up earlier so I could
spend time with God. The experience exceeded my expectations. Although I was extremely tired the first week or so, I craved more time with Him. Having the blog held me accountable, but it also challenged me to do my homework. I wanted to study and understand what God was saying in my devotions to Him. I researched, I prayed, I read, and I prayed more... then He gave me the words. I look back and think, "did I write that?" God worked in my life through this blog and I want to continue because not only was it a blessing to me but I heard from people in my life that it was a blessing to them. I thought about changing the name since the name implies a 30 day challenge to see the sunrise, which it was originally. Now God has given me a bigger picture.

The Bible tells us that pain is in the night, but joy comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5). From personal experience, there is no magical pillow that steals the pain during the night so you wake up full of joy. I questioned that verse, but the more I have learned through the process of grief is that the night may last awhile, but one day I will allow God to work through me and I will find joy again and that is when I will see another sunrise. This blog is personal. My personal experiences that have led me to a greater understanding of the Bible and of the character of God. It began as a challenge, but I am determined to see the sunrise again and the only way to do that is to look to my Savior, Jesus Christ.

My name is Jill, I am the author of this blog. I grew up in a large family (youngest of 5) in Birmingham, Alabama. I graduated from the University of Alabama, ROLL TIDE, then headed west to California to become an event planner. Although fun and interesting, I redirected my career path to become a middle school science teacher. After getting my Masters in Teaching at the University of California, Irvine I took a teaching job in Orange County.

In May of 2017 I experienced two sudden losses of major people in my life. My boyfriend, Harrison, who I absolutely adored and my Pastor, Gene, who was my mentor and my cheerleader. The death of my beloved boyfriend and Pastor took quite a toll on me and stole the inner joy I inherently possessed. God worked his "magic" and I was able to take a sabbatical from teaching so I could rediscover that joy and spend much needed time with family.

I have since moved to Charleston, South Carolina where I attempted teaching again and after a semester realized I just needed some time outside of the classroom, I now work for a Publishing and Media company in adorable Downtown Charleston. My time at this job has inspired me to pursue my passion in spending time with God and writing about it. This was such a blessing to me when I was active in this before, so I can only expect the same or far greater from our God.

Thank you for tuning in!


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